Ureteral Complications of Gynecological Surgery: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment
- Thể loại: SẢN PHỤ KHOA
179 trang
250.000 đ
This pictorial book focuses on ureter for gynaecologists. It is written by a multidisciplinary team of experts who share its experience on the study of the ureter in women, with specific attention to the injuries occurring during gynaecological surgery.
Supported by a rich iconography, the authors evaluate the causes of injuries of the ureter, discuss their prevention, precise the diagnosis with the support of urological radiology. The urological management of the injury and its consequences are described in the last chapter, with many photos of laparoscopy included.
This book is intended for gynaecologists, for all the surgeons specialized in the female pelvis, urologists, oncologists, general surgeons. It is also especially written for fellows, residents, and interns in University Hospitals with a limited experience of surgery of the pelvis.
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