Surgical Handicraft: Manual for Surgical Residents and Surgeons 1st Edition
- Thể loại: Phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ
295 trang
350.000 đ
This book is written with emphasis on standard surgical principles and techniques. Simple and lucid presentation. Provides evidence-based knowledge various minor procedures and skills, resuscitation, and surgical preparation. It outlines fundamental principles of major and minor surgery to ensure the success of procedures, to avoid pitfalls and to minimize the risk of complications. Basic topics, such as hand washing, gloving, universal precautions, fluid resuscitation, and insertion of intravenous cannula, urinary catheter, and nasogastric tube are discussed. Illustrated chapters on neurosurgery and orthopedics. Included DVD demonstrates bandaging techniques, tube thoracostomy, central venous cannulation and venous cutdown. Enriched with colour photographs of procedures and techniques for easy learning. It would serve as a pocket guide for interns, surgical residents and house surgeons in their ward work.
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