Plastic and Aesthetic Regenerative Surgery and Fat Grafting: Clinical Application and Operative Techniques 1st ed. 2022 Edition
Readers will discover the relatively new and rapidly growing field of regenerative surgery and fat grafting, valuable for numerous plastic surgery, reconstructive, and aesthetic/cosmetic essentials.
Though many books have covered specific areas or topics in regenerative surgery, the market lacks a work that tackles the full spectrum of regenerative surgery and its clinical application. This book responds to that need and presents chapters written by the best: world-renowned surgeons in their field.
After an introduction that reflects basic research, most of the book focuses on clinical experience as it relates to applied techniques of processing fat and on the different uses from head to toe. Readers will learn about the history of regenerative surgery, important definitions and background information, and the evidence supporting the use of regenerative surgery. Practitioners will also find valuable guidance regarding the application of stem cells, evaluation of patient needs, and operative techniques for fat transfer. Subsequent chapters address topics such as graft types, the skin, wound healing, scar treatment, osteoarthritis, burns, scleroderma, hair rejuvenation, facial enhancement combined with facelift, chin augmentation with fat, and breast argumentation or reconstruction with fat. Particular attention is paid to gluteal augmentation with fat, body contouring, genital male and female rejuvenation, and upper and lower extremity regenerative surgery. Surgical anatomy and complications treatment and prevention were emphasized when applied. This resulted is two volumes that encompass 114 chapters, with multiple figures, and video clips, written by 242 authors (including 72 female colleagues) from five continents.
Highly informative and carefully structured, this book provides invaluable insight for beginners and experienced plastic surgeons alike, while benefitting advanced surgeons, specialists, and undergraduate and graduate students.
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- Chia sẻ Mua khóa họcXem khóa học khác
- Video 15.1 ITR2 Harvest and Processing
- Video 15.2 ITR2 Technique
- Video 20.1 Infiltration tumescent abdomen site of harvest
- Video 20.2 Fat washed with normal saline
- Video 20.3 Washed fat emulsified
- Video 20.4 Fat graft upper lip
- Video 20.5 Fat grafting buttocks ultrasound assisted
- Video 20.6 Injection site of morphea scleroderma right arm
- Video 21.1 Animation showing the pathophysiology of fat embolism
- Video 23.1 PRP-enriched lipofilling
- Video 26.1 Cellular Optimized Nanofat for Microneedling and as a
- Video 26.2 Cellular Optimized Nanofat for Microneedling and as a
- Video 26.3 Cellular Optimized Nanofat for Microneedling and as a
- Video 26.4 Cellular Optimized Nanofat for Microneedling and as a
- Video 27.1 Enzymatic stromal vascular fraction isolation from lipoaspirate
- Video 27.2 Fat graft preparation and technique for stromal vascular
- Video 29.1 Harvesting of fat with 10 cc syringe with a syringe vacuum of
- Video 29.2 Taking large volume of fat graft using a closed system fat
- Video 29.3 In vitro demonstration of the correct way of depositing small
- Video 29.4 Grafting fat after autologous tissue breast reconstruction to
- Video 29.5 Grafting of fat in the buttock in the subcutaneous level with
- Video 30.1 Fat graft manual harvest A
- Video 30.2 Fat graft manual separation A
- Video 30.3 Fat graft injection breast
- Video 30.4 Fat graft injection breast
- Video 30.5 Fat graft injection forehead
- Video 30.6 Fat graft injection results 2 years
- Video 31.1 Centrifuged microfat processing and injection technique
- Video 31.2 Nanofat processing and injection technique
- Video 34.1 PRP preparation
- Video 34.2 Acne Scar
- Video 34.3 Patient Fig
- Video 35.1 CRPS Fina
- Video 37.1 Clinical Case
- Video 37.2 SVF
- Video 41.1 AdipoLaser rejuvenation movie
- Video 43.1 The mechanical and controlled injection of HF-MSCs
- Video 44.1 PRP injection technique to the scalp showing needle entering
- Video 44.2 PRP injection technique to the scalp
- Video 46.1 Fat preparation and transfer
- Video 46.2 Skin aging process
- Video 49.1 Surgical anatomy in regenerative surgery of Face, Scalp, Neck
- Video 51.1 Preparation of the properly diluted fat
- Video 51.2 Tunnelization and fat injection
- Video 51.3 Injecting PDF into the lower eyelid
- Video 51.4 72-year-old woman 3 months after upper minimal blepharoplasty and fat grafting on upper and lower lids
- Video 53.1 Preparation for the harvesting, processing, and grafting of 32 mL in the chin area in a 46-year-old man
- Video 55.1 Facial fat grafting technique
- Video 56.1 Lipofilling with cannula manual
- Video 56.2 Lipofilling with needle gradual injector
- Video 56.3 Scar release and lipofilling with a cannula
- Video 56.4 Nanofat production
- Video 56.5 Nanofat A (longitudinal injection)
- Video 56.6 Nanofat B (vertical injection with scoring)
- Video 57.1 This video displays nanofat grafting
- Video 58.1 SUPPLEMENT Animation preop PAT 1
- Video 58.2 SUPPLEMENT Animation preop PAT Compare face
- Video 58.3 Supplement Patient 4 -B55A4293
- Video 60.1 This video was recorded during direct microlaryngoscopy under
- Video 60.2 This is the preoperative videolaryngoscopy of a 45-year-old
- Video 60.3 This videolaryngoscopic recording demonstrates the result
- Video 61.1 The velopharyngeal sphincter
- Video 61.2 Fat harvesting from the abdomen
- Video 61.3 The video shows the placement of fat in the posterior
- Video 61.4a Sequela of cleft palate. (a) Preoperative nasendoscopic view
- Video 61.4b Sequela of cleft palate. (b) result at one year, following 3 ml
- Video 61.5a (a, b) Sequela of cleft palate, previously operated on with
- Video 61.5b (a, b) Sequela of cleft palate, previously operated on with
- Video 62.1 LRRT Sintesi
- Video 63.1 Machine centrifugation and preoperative planning, with the expected amount of fat and donor sites
- Video 63.2 Manual centrifugation and preoperative planning with the expected amount of fat and donor sites
- Video 63.3 Female, 36 years old, with rippling after multiple implant removal and insertion subglandularly