Evidence-Based Practice in Perioperative Cardiac Anesthesia and Surgery 1st ed
- Thể loại: Nội tim mạch
755 trang
750.000 đ
This comprehensive yet concise book addresses current best practice in the combined areas of cardiac surgery and anesthesia, interventional minimally invasive cardiac procedures, perioperative management and monitoring, and critical care recovery. This book not only provides the latest best practices in the perioperative management of cardiac surgical patients, but also it summarizes the current clinical guidelines and algorithms from leading cardiac programs and professional societies.
Contemporary best practice approaches are written by experts from leading cardiac surgical centers. The preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative management and recovery of surgical patients, including medication, monitoring techniques, and innovative surgical procedures, are presented by experts in the field of cardiac anesthesia and surgery. Perioperative clinical care guidelines, postoperative recovery pathways and models of care are presented with supporting protocols.
Evidence-Based Practice in Perioperative Cardiac Anesthesia and Surgery is aimed at all cardiac anesthesiology consultants, fellows, and trainees; all cardiac surgery consultants, fellows, and trainees; nurses in perioperative care and those involved in patient recovery management; cardiac program administrative professionals; and all critical care consultants and trainees looking after cardiovascular surgical patients in the modern era.
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